Animals in the forest


1. Eric Carl - The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The story begins with a tiny caterpillar hatching from an egg on a Sunday morning. As the caterpillar starts its life, it feels insatiably hungry and begins to eat its way through various types of food each day of the week. On Monday, it eats through one apple, on Tuesday, two pears, and so on, eating different fruits and treats each day.

However, as the caterpillar keeps eating, it starts to feel sick and overstuffed by Saturday. On this day, it eats through a vast array of junk food, including cake, ice cream, pickles, and more. This leads to a stomach ache, and the caterpillar realizes it has eaten too much.

Do you want to know, how it will continue?

If  YES, open this beautiful book and start to read💗

If you can't read yet, you can listen to writer Eric Carl read this gripping story.

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                                                    Enjoy your time!


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